10 March – 21 March 2014  
Commission on the Status of Women’s 58th Session  

The fifty-eighth session on the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. WILPF’s delegation, consisting of 60 women from around the world, joins representatives of United Nations (UN) Member States, UN entities and ECOSOC-accredited non-governmental organisations for an exciting two weeks full of UN side-events, panel discussions, movie screenings and interactive dialogues. WILPF organises and supports numerous activities and events.

Please click here for a one-page overview of WILPF events at the CSW.
8 March 2014  
International Women’s Day Event

WILPF Leicester holds a day of free activities in Leicester, United Kingdom in celebration of International Women’s Day!

Please click here for further information.
March 2014  
25th Session of the Human Rights Council

In March, the UN Human Rights Council holds its 25th Session at the UN Office in Geneva, Switzerland. As the Council is an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system that is responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe, WILPF’s Human Rights Programme organised side-events during the Session.
22 March – 24 March 2014  
European Regional Meeting
Berlin, Germany 

The WILPF Europe Regional Meeting draws gender and equality policy review, and discusses approaches to European emancipatory gender politics. It also focuses on human trafficking, forced prostitution, and refugee policies. 

For more information, please visit the WILPF Germany website.

2 April – 4 April 2014 
African Regional Meeting
Cape Town, South Africa

The WILPF Africa Regional Meeting focuses on further uniting women’s organisations regionally by facilitating an exchange of knowledge and experience, initiating a sustainable cooperation on the implementation of SCR 1325, and increasing the impact of women’s participation in security politics.

For more information, please visit the WILPF Sweden website. 

Please note that meeting is for Section members only.
25 April – 27 April 2014 
Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
Auckland, New Zealand

The WILPF Asia-Pacific regional meeting explores the impact of militarisation on indigenous communities, UN Security Council Resolution 1325, and the role of women in conflict management, conflict resolution and sustainable peace.

For more information, please visit the WILPF Aotearoa/New Zealand website.

Please note that meeting is for Section members only. 
19 February 2014 
Women’s Power to Stop War Webinar Series

Episode 2: Disarmament in Africa; A Feminist Perspective

The second episode in this series tackles the topic of Disarmament in Africa from a Gender Perspective, particularly in Nigeria. Joy Ada Onyesoh, our WILPF Nigeria President, discusses issues of Human Security in the context of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda, including the topic of food security in Africa. 

Click here to view Webinar.

More information on our Webinar Series can be found at the WSW Webinar Series website. 
6 November 2013 
Women’s Power to Stop War Webinar Series

Episode 1: What is the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda?

This webinar features Cynthia Enloe, a Research Professor at Clark University and an engaged WILPF member, who introduces the WPS Agenda, brings a feminist perspective and discusses the relevance to anti-militaristic politics of 1915 to 2015. Cynthia is a pioneer in the field of feminist international relations.

Click here to view Webinar.

More information on our Webinar Series can be found at the WSW Webinar Series website. 
24 April – 27 April 2014
Latin American Regional Meeting
Bogotá, Colombia

The WILPF Latin America Regional Meeting focuses on further uniting women’s organisations regionally by facilitating an exchange of knowledge and experience, initiating a sustainable cooperation on the implementation of SCR 1325, and increasing the impact of women’s participation in security politics.
13 March 2014
CUNY School of Law Dean’s Award Ceremony
New York, USA

WILPF Secretary-General, Madeleine Rees, is presented with The Dean’s Award in honour of her long legacy of fighting for women’s human rights in the context of conflict. The event focuses on how she is applying hard lessons from Bosnia to the Syrian context, so that women have rights and justice in peace negotiations and any future transitional justice process.

Please click here for further event details. 
>>8 March 2014
International Women’s Day Event

WILPF Brighton celebrates International Women’s Day with a stall at the Dome!

>>12 April 2014
Brighton, Hove and District AGM
Brighton, UK

Maude Casey speaks at the event, along with Jenny Engledow, who discusses the Guernica project, as written by two of the University of Brighton’s senior lecturers. The same talk was given previously at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

For more information, please visit the WILPF UK website.
22 March 2014
WILPF Scotland Branch to Fly Kites not Drones
Edinburgh, Scotland 

In solidarity with Afghans, and as part of the Drone Campaign Network, members of the Scottish WILPF branch attend the Kites Not Drones event at the Meadows in Edinburgh.

For more information, please visit the WILPF UK website. 
8 March 2014
International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights 
Geneva, Switzerland

WIPLF Secretary-General Madeleine Rees speaks at the International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights on Europe’s response to human trafficking. 
22 March 2014
London WILPF to Fly Kites not Drones

In solidarity with Afghans, and as part of the Drone Campaign Network, members of the London branch of WILPF UK joins the mass kite flying event at Westminster Bridge.

For more information, please visit the WILPF UK website. 
23 January – 24 January 2014  
Reaching Critical Will (RCW) Berlin Session
Berlin, Germany

Reaching Critical Will participates at the Berlin Session on humanitarian disarmament hosted by campaigners from ICAN Germany. International campaigners from the various corners of the humanitarian disarmament world explored the link between humanitarian/development considerations and nuclear weapons, land mines, cluster munitions, explosive weapons in populated areas, small arms, killer robots, and other inhumane weapons.
February 2014
UNSC Protection of Civilians debate
New York, USA

Reaching Critical Will conducts advocacy ahead of the open debate in the UN Security Council on the protection of civilians in armed conflict as a member of the International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW). INEW’s briefing paper was circulated to UN member states and agencies, and briefings were held with several delegations in order to ensure that the use of explosive weapons in populated areas was highlighted as an issue of concern at the debate and beyond.
12 February – 16 February 2014
Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons
Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico

Reaching Critical Will actively engages in the second conference on the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons hosted by the government of Mexico in Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit. The conference served as a follow-up to the discussion on the impact and risks of nuclear weapons, focusing on the global and long-term consequences of a nuclear detonation, which began during the first conference in Oslo 2013. The RCW team also joined the two-day campaigners meeting before the conference, as well as a debriefing hosted by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN).
24-26 February 2014
Campaign to Stop Killer Robots conference
London, UK

As a member of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots, Reaching Critical Will takes part in an all-day NGO strategy session to develop ways to move forward with the campaign. Participants discussed upcoming opportunities to conduct advocacy with governments and awareness with other civil society groups to promote a ban on the development of fully autonomous weapons.

Click here to read the Report by the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots regarding the Conference on Conventional Weapons (CCW) held at the UN in Geneva in November 2013.
7 April – 25 April 2014
UN Disarmament Commission
New York, USA

Reaching Critical Will is responsible for monitoring the activities of the United Nations Disarmament Commission, a commission created in 1952 under the Security Council. The UNDC meets for three weeks every April, operating in plenary meetings ,working groups, and reports annually to the General Assembly. In light of its function, the UNDC focuses on a limited number of agenda items at each session. For the last decade, the UNDC has failed to adopt recommendations at the end of each three-year cycle. The final year in the current cycle is 2014, and there is no sign of progress.
21 January 2014

WILPF co-sponsors a Peace Summit in Geneva, where Syrian women and other women from countries that have been affected by war, including Western Sahara, the Balkans, Sri Lanka, Guatemala and Northern Ireland, will share their experiences on how to create sustainable peace. The Summit is attended by Nobel Laureates Shirin Ebadi and Mairead Maguire, and Cynthia Enloe.

Peace Summit 2014
January 2014

WILPF Lebanon visits Abu Khaled Refugee Camp.

Read their report from the visit and see photos from inside the camp. 
11 February 2014

Local San José Section of WILPF and international members of civil society gathered in the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights to approve the San José Statement on the Human Right to Peace (San José III), born thanks to the efforts of hundreds of NGOs campaigning for the recognition of the right to peace worldwide.
>>7 March 2014
The Women’s Peace Movement: A History
Munich, Germany 

Dass sich über 1000 Frauen aus 12 Ländern, mitten im Ersten Weltkrieg, allen politischen Widerständen zum Trotz nach Den Haag aufgemacht haben, um ein sofortiges Ende des Krieges zu fordern, ist heute nur Wenigen bekannt. Das möchten wir ändern und stellen an den Anfang unserer Reih “Friedensaktivistinnen“ eine Diskussion, zu der wir Interessierte einladen. Für die jüngere Generation in Deutschland ist Krieg oft etwas, das „weit weg ist“ und nur noch in den Medien stattfindet. Für sie scheint Frieden eine gegebene Größe geworden zu sein. Haben junge Menschen also noch Interesse daran, sich für den Frieden einzusetzen, oder gibt es für sie wichtigere Themen? Erschwert vielleicht sogar der Begriff ‚Frau‘ für viele den Zugang zur Frauenfriedensbewegung?

>>9 April 2014
Input and Discussion featuring Dr. Michaela Karl
Munich, Germany

Bertha von Suttner erhielt als erste Frau den Friedensnobelpreis. Sie wurde zur zentralen Frauenfigur am Beginn der organisierten Friedensbewegung. Sie warnte eindringlich vor dem Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkrieges, den sie nicht mehr erlebt. Sie starb am 21.06.1914. Wie aktuell sind ihre Aussagen von damals heute?
March 8, 2014
International Women’s Day Conference
Tirana, Albania

WILPF Albania holds a National International Women’s Day Conference discussing the Women’s Power to Stop War movement, the 100th Year Anniversary Celebration, and the ways that Albanian women can collectively achieve peace and freedom.
March/April 2014
Women’s Power to Stop War Conference
Tirana and Elbasan, Albania

WILPF Albania holds a Women’s Power to Stop War conference in Tirana and Elbasan.

4 February 2014
WILPF Albania Peace Conference
Tirana, Albania

In partnership with other organisations, WILPF Albania holds a National Conference on Peace and Freedom in remembrance of the devastating Tirana Massacre that occurred on February 4, 1944.
10-14 February 2014
Conference on Women organising for change in Syria and Bosnia and Herzegovina 
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Conference highlights the importance of experiences and empirical knowledge of women who went through the armed conflict and struggled for women rights. It also discussed the Bosnian experience, including what happens when women are not represented during peace talks, and how inefficient and discriminatory power embodied in patriarchal political elite continues to deepen conflicts in society rather than solving them.
23 April 2014
International Book Day
UNESCO, Paris, France

WILPF France participates in an International Book Day celebration at UNESCO.
15 April 2014
WILPF 100th Year Anniversary Conference
Marinaleda, Spain
During Peace Week in Marinaleda, Spain, WILPF Spain organises a 100 Year Anniversary workshop where participants learn about the history of WILPF and current women peace inititives being carried out in the Sahara.
16 January 2014
WPS Lecture Series: Geneva II Peace Negotiations and Beyond

The Women, Peace and Security Lecture Series is one of many ways PeaceWomen promote awareness, inclusive participation and ownership of the WPS agenda among civil society and policy-makers. This special Series creates space for creative thinkers to challenge the status-quo. Our partners for this series are the Permanent Mission of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the United Nations and the Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination (LISD) at Princeton University.
17 January 2014
Security Council Arria Formula Meeting

The Permanent Missions of the United Kingdom and Luxembourg to the United Nations co-hosts a closed Arria Formula meeting focusing on women’s participation in resolving the Syrian conflict. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) was a key partner in organising the Arria, the speakers and attended the meeting. Three Syrian women civil society leaders representing the Syrian Women’s League, Syrian Women’s Network and the Syrian Women’s Coalition for Democracy briefed the Security Council.

Please click here for further information. 
24-25 April 2014
Thematic Debate on Stable and Peaceful Societies

WILPF PeaceWomen is a UNMonitor for the UN President of the General Assembly Thematic Debate on Stable and Peaceful Societies in the Post2015 Agenda.